Tend To Your Relationships and Be Courageous This Lunar Month
Welcome to the Monthly Astrology Snapshot for the next lunar month beginning at the new moon in Libra happening 25th/26th September. This Astrology Snapshot contains:
Overview / Major Transits / Lunar Themes
Full Moon in Aries Online Gathering and Ritual - Register here.
Los Angeles: Sep 25th @ 2:54pm
Edmonton: Sep 25th @ 3:54pm
New York: Sep 25th @ 5:54pm
London: Sep 25th @ 10:54pm
Berlin: Sep 25th @ 11:54pm
Delhi: Sep 26th @ 3:24am
Bali: Sep 26th @ 5:54am
Brisbane: Sep 26th @ 7:54am
Sydney: Sep 26th @ 8:54am
Los Angeles: Oct 9th @ 1:54pm
Edmonton: Oct 9th @ 2:54pm
New York: Oct 9th @ 4:54pm
London: Oct 9th @ 9:54pm
Berlin: Oct 9th @ 10:54pm
Delhi: Oct 10th @ 2:24am
Bali: Oct 10th @ 4:54am
Brisbane: Oct 10th @ 6:54am
Sydney: Oct 10th @ 7:54am
With the Saturn-Uranus square activating and the build up to Eclipses, we are in for another big lunar month!
This Snapshot is a bit late… I’m going to blame Mercury being retrograde ;-) but seriously, what a weird one! This month begins with the new moon in Libra. Did you know that you can actually work with seeding in new moon intentions up until the crescent moon appears? Some of our ancestors would actually wait for the first appearance of the moon to really begin a new cycle. So this means you can work with the energy of this new moon for up to 5 days after the new moon happening September 25th/26th!
But let’s have a look at the overall themes of this lunar month first. Astrologically, this is a huge and potentially challenging month! This lunar month is being over shadowed by the huge Uranus-Saturn Square. This is the final of 4 challenging squares. On October 1st this square moves to being exact by degree. This aspect provides the context for September and into October with the main theme being that our paradigms are really shifting.
Our values are shifting. The old power structures are breaking down and a new era is dawning. This square is symbolic of the old traditions fighting against the new paradigms wanting and needing to emerge on Earth. Change is always uncomfortable but only if you don’t know what it is and to the degree that you’re resisting change will equal the degree at which you end up struggling and suffering when instead, you could actually be embracing the change and thriving!
With this big pattern at play, I am noticing paradigm shifts in people! If you are experiencing a radical shift in your world view at this time and it’s positive, embrace it! If you are leaning towards a negative view then please check in with trusted people so you don’t get stuck in negative patterns and so that you can actually work with embracing the new that’s coming through in supportive and empowering ways… it is possible for this to be a positive and liberating time!
Furthermore, if your paradigms are really shifting, you may be going through a process of reconciling the past. It’s almost as though what was going on before 2020 stays there and we just can’t take it forwards with us. Again, embrace this! Liberate yourself from the past! Work with the full moon in Aries to release and clear old patterns that you know you’ve addressed and dealt with and just need to be understood, purified and let go of! It really is time to let it go!
Having strong and healthy relationships is what will get us through these big times and the new moon in Libra is your moment to check in and do an honest relationship audit. This new moon is a potent moment to turn your attention towards really taking care of the people in your life. We are literally all going through this together and it’s so important to remember this.
I strongly recommend working with this new moon to get clear on your relationships as Venus - the planet of love and joy - will be disappearing from the evening skies by the end of September and won’t be visible again until mid November. Ancient astrologers believed that when Venus was not visible to the naked eye we would struggle to experience her blessings on Earth. Venus blesses everything to do with love, abundance, wealth and joy. So be mindful and set some strong intentions at the new moon focused on taking care of these areas in your life more consciously.
Then next lunar month will be Eclipse season… hold onto your hats! I get a sense that this Eclipse season is going to be hugely impactful at the collective level. The south node of the moon is in Scorpio right now which means we are releasing and detoxing unhealthy power dynamics at the collective level. I am actually going to dive deep into these themes in the Eclipses Masterclass I will be holding on October 21st/22nd. If you are interested in learning more about this set of eclipses and how you can harness the power of these times skilfully, then please join us!
But there is some relief this lunar month as Mercury will turn direct on October 3rd and this will start to move the energy as we have so many planets retrograde at the moment that when a very noticeable to us on Earth planet like Mercury turns direct, we will feel this in a good way!
Then Pluto turns direct October 10th which means the power trips can become visible again and then Saturn turns direct October 23rd - this all ties together that even though the patterns are strong and Venus is invisible, we will be able to make sense of things, take our power back and build structures that support and sustain us. We may begin seeing some of the new structures of the future showing up strong throughout the rest of this year!
And if you need a boost and you love looking at the stars and planets, then get out early evening, look towards the East and you will see the beautiful, wise Guru Jupiter shining beautifully as he is currently opposite the Sun which means he is at his brightest. Make a prayer and a wish and ask for the great benevolent Guru to support you with wisdom, understanding and good luck!
Major Transits for the Lunar Month
Finishes October 3rd - Still 6 planets retrograde!
This has for sure been a weird Mercury retrograde. But he turns direct October 3rd and this will bring some of our patterns and connections back into alignment.
October 1st to 13th - Feeling the pressure!
As I have already shared in this Snapshot, this is the final square! I really recommend embracing this one and allow yourself to be transformed and to align with the new era that is dawning!
Last days of September - A tough time for interpersonal relationships and relationships in general!
Venus will be invisible for around 40 days and is expected to become visible again in mid November when she will reappear again as the morning star. Our ancestors believed that when she went invisible, we don’t have access to her better qualities on Earth such as love, abundance and joy.
Seed in new intentions to nourish and take care of your personal relationships at the new moon and in the first week of this lunar month so that they can endure and even be nourished through this time. Venus will reappear in Libra and this will bode very well for relationships that have stayed in healthy patterns during the next 6 weeks.
October 10th - Big power shifts.
Pluto turning direct can really start to reveal hidden power agendas that we couldn’t see before. It can be confronting, but also liberating. When the shadow comes to the light and out in the open, then we know what we’re dealing with and we can get on with taking back our power!
October 23rd - It may appear that the old paradigm is gaining power.
Saturn turning direct begins a slow process of all the planets beginning to change out of retrograde over the coming months… thank goodness! This is an important moment to notice if you feel a shift from restrictions. However, we are moving into Eclipse season now so get ready for some huge global shifts and some big pattern interruptions!
Major Lunar Themes
September 25th/26th depending on where you are in the world.
Libra rules relationships and how everything relates to everything else. This new moon is your moment to do an honest relationship audit.
Every year around this time we have the Libra new moon and it is always a powerful time to assess and bring balance back to your relationships. Then with balancing your relationships in mind, set solid intentions focused on how you want your relationships to be moving forwards.
Maybe you need to reestablish some boundaries? Maybe you need to show up a bit more yourself? Maybe you have been too busy worrying about the world that you have forgotten to check in on your people?
We are all going through it on some level and it is our relationships that will sustain and support us through tough times and we are definitely living through a time where we need to be nourishing those we care for and respecting those who care for us!
There is also something about potential legal rebalancing and justice with this new moon cycle. The scales of justice are the symbol for Libra and therefore Libra rules over general fairness, balance, harmony and karmic justice. There may be new legal developments at the collective and personal level with an eye on fairness and karmic justice.
At the very least, you may be able to more honestly assess where you are at in your relationships with everything and everyone in your life.
Jupiter is opposite this new moon which may be making things opposite from us seem bigger and more extreme than usual. Be mindful of this exaggerated pattern. But Jupiter is the great benefactor so his influence will be beneficial and may just support us to get clear, see fairly and bring more positive balance to our lives.
For the few days following this new moon, try to take some time out to reflect honestly on your relationships. How are they really going?
Then set some powerful new intentions in how you wish to bring more harmony into your life with a strong focus on relationships.
Remember Venus, the ruler of Libra, is about to become invisible for approximately 40 days so what you seed in now may just really support and sustain your reality through this time.
October 9th/10th depending where you are in the world.
If you’ve been feeling you need a good release, a potent purification or a big letting go, then this is the full moon for you.
Aries rules the warrior and when the moon is full and bright in Aries, this archetype is activated and amplified! Our courage can be felt at this full moon and we can journey with truly clearing away whatever interferes with our ability to just go for it and our feeling that we can actually handle it!
At this full moon you may be asking yourself what cause do you want to be a part of which may activate a sense of wanting to stand up for what is right and true.
With the big energies contracting around us this month, this full moon may be just what you need to feel your personal resilience and to not be totally overwhelmed by it all. You may find you are more able to activate the internal warrior/ess and to feel inspired to really know that - you’ve got this!
With Venus being conjunct the Sun and Chiron conjunct the moon at this full moon, the theme of healing relationship wounds may be (especially after focusing so strongly on relationships at the Libra new moon) even more amplified. This is such a big period of time for all interpersonal relationships - handle all of your relationships with as much care as possible this lunar month.
This full moon is also important as it is an opportunity to release before we move into Eclipse mode next lunar month. I am teaching another powerful Eclipses Masterclass discussing these Eclipses (you don’t need to be an astrologer to attend). They feel so big and game changing for the collective, however you can really harness the potency of these cycles to support your personal journey and this Masterclass will offer insights and tips on how to do this!
In Summary:
This is a month to just go for it, to know who you are, to be courageous and to look after the people around you as we join together to embrace the new!
If you are really feeling it then please join myself and a beautiful group of humans at the Aries full moon where we will work with releasing, healing and purification as we wipe the decks clean in preparation for a MASSIVE eclipse season. I will be running an Eclipses Masterclass for the upcoming eclipses where I will journey deep into the themes and ways you can work with the energy to enhance your personal evolutionary process through these great times! And if you want to dive even more deeply into the Eclipses and your personal birth chart then I am offering an Eclipses Masterclass Package where you will receive a session and the Masterclass at 10% off!
Stay safe wonderful people and journey well!
With love always,
Paula x
Full Moon in Aries Online Gathering & Ritual
Join the full moon gatherings and learn how to work with the energy of the full moon. This month the full moon is in Aries and the focus will be on practicing healing and forgiveness.
Connect with me on Instagram
I am sharing more and more on Instagram these days so please come over and connect with me there. It’s particularly good if you like receiving information visually (in bite size pieces) throughout the month.